In an economically as well as educationally backward and border area like Santalpur and Radhanpur, Shri Amar Jyot Education Trust has been formed in order to develop the circumference of education as well as with the main purpose to provide Higher Education.
This trust constantly remains active with an important purpose and aim to provide pre-primary to Doctorate level education in one campus. Apart from this, with changing time to develop the scope for girls’ education. The trust possesses this aim and objective to make necessary developments in the technical areas. So that boys and girls of this area may get sufficient opportunities in the professional areas.
Shri Trikamjibhai Chatwani Arts & J. V. Gokal trust Commerce College was established in the year 1992. Over a period of nearly three decades, It has grown in terms of introducing new courses, undertaking research programmes, publishing books, organizing seminars and conferences and celebrating various festivals. As of now there are about 5000 students in the college, pursuing programmes such as B.A., B.Com., M.A. , M.Com., Ph.D. The college has been accredited with B Grade in 2019 by NAAC.
It should be noted here explicitly that during the formative years of its growth and development the college strived its best to stick to its principle, aims and objectives for which it was established.
The Welfare of a nation depends on the quality of its citizens and the basic principles for sharpening the qualities of citizen is to train him and refine him and equip him with perfect knowledge in accordance with the changing time. To be more explicit he should move in pace with rest of the world. The Trust aims to provide:
The institutions believes in making Higher Education accessible to the under privileged and socially and economically backward students of the remotest parts as well as rural areas surrounding Radhanpur.
The college strives to fathom further depths of commitment, dedication and aims to fly at greater heights aspiring to achieve further excellence and reach the zenith of quality in Higher education in this area. The college firmly believes in the lines:
“Miles to go before I sleep,
Miles to go before I sleep”
- Robert Frost.
The sole objective of the Trust is "to develop the circumference of education as well as with the main purpose Higher Education at Home also.The Trust constantly remains active with an important purpose and aim to provide Pre-Primary to Post Graduation Level Education in the same campus.
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